It’s no secret that I want to go back to school. I’ve often asked myself why I am not in school currently, I mean I work for myself and I could maintain fulltime status with school and do work on my off time, plus getting a degree and taking classes in business and marketing would help me with what I do now, so why not right? My best answer for the question is money. I was $5500 in debt not too long ago. That’s just with credit cards and my credit is really bad because I’ve had them for so long and have missed a few payments. I figure once I lower the balance on the cards, along with the monthly payments then I should be able to take out a student loan and any other loan I would need to go back to school.
Right now I am down to under $5000 in debt, but it will be back to being a little over $5000 with the interest payment this month. I know it isn’t a big difference, but $500 is a huge dent for me, considering some of these cards I have had since I was 18 years old. I am hoping to be down to $4500 by the end of this year, in fact if I can keep up working with the pace I am, not only will I be able to pay back an extra $500 to these cards, but possibly be more than half paying off the bed and getting Kristen’s cards paid off. The more that we can pay off together the more money we can have in the long run for vacations, and other fun things.
I am hoping though that come January Kristen will have her own car, mine will be in good enough shape for me to go back to school, and the bills minimum payments will be a lot lower than they are right now. Hopefully it all works out the way I want it to.