Comments & Replies

19 Responses to “Why am I Marked as Spam?”

  1. You’re right, the comment you left on my blog was marked as spam. I approved it but it is strange.

    We have six pillows on our bed. My husband uses one and I use the rest or they fall on the floor. I’m a woman and I can’t explain why we need so many pillows. It must be genetic.

  2. Sarah says:

    Yep. I had to switch hosts, because many people couldn’t see my site, including me sometimes, and I decided to start fresh instead of trying to move my old wordpress over to my new host.

    Woah that’s a lot of pillows. Well I guess it makes sense because I’m one person and have 3 pillows on my bed. I think it’s because when you roll over, you don’t want your head to not be under a pillow.

  3. lindsie says:

    We love pillows! Lol, but I only have 4 on my bed .. not 7! Your comment didn’t end up in my spam folder? Anyways im moving to Daytona beach, Florida …

  4. lindsie says:

    now i checked and its in the spam folder .. I dont know?

  5. The comment you left me wasn’t marked as spam! I use Disqus comment forms though. Not sure if that has something to do with it. Thanks for stopping by though!

  6. Deanna says:

    What kind of posts are you leaving? Are they relevant to the blog topic? Do they include links the comment? Those are two reasons I can think of that would make your comments marked as spam.

  7. Lots of pillows make the bed look pretty. Lol. I think it’s all about the look, not that you use all of them.

    I am thinking that I will be going with the third colour as most people I have asked have liked that one the most. I am currently growing my hair out and plan on getting a cut like that once it’s about that length.

  8. Cecilie says:

    That happened when you commented on my blog as well. Hopefully you’ll be able to fix it:)

    Oh wow, now that’s a lot of pillows. I only have one in my bed:P

  9. Sakura says:

    What email address are you using that cause your comments to end up in the spam folder?

  10. Shannon says:

    I noticed that your comment on my blog was marked as spam. I hope you’re able to find a solution.

    Honestly, I only need one pillow on my bed, and sometimes, I don’t even use it. Some people like the extra comfort I suppose.

  11. Liliana says:

    Thanks for commenting! Your’s on my blog was not marked as spam, just held for moderation. but most comments are 🙂

    I thought about it but this way its easier because then my pictures are organized and i don’t have to keep expanding my harddrive. I had over 20000 pictures, and i still don’t have a lot of space. a lot of people said that to me though. 🙂 thanks!

  12. Christine says:

    I can understand Krissy! I sleep with 4 pillows and it’s just me, sometimes I’ll add an extra one or two. I think sleeping with lots of pillows is just plain comfortable, and it kind of makes me feel safe and held, you know? I just realized how weird that makes me sound.

  13. Mallory says:

    Dude, don’t even ask why women need so many pillows, ’cause I’m one of ’em and I don’t even know why. In fact, I just realised I have three pillows, and yet I only have a single head. o_O; And the other two are purely for decorative purposes.

    I don’t even know, LMAO, and I never thought about it until now! XD;

  14. sheila says:

    You’ve never come through as spam for me. As for pillows? Yeah, why does it take so long to get used to those? lol.

  15. Weird — I’ve not seen you yet as spam inmy comments. But I am not able to access your site from the library, as I told you. I forget now exacly what it says, somethinglike… “mature” content, or something? Which I know is not true, you’re like NC-17 or PG-14.

    “Sometimes women are just a mystery I have yet to crack…” I’ve heard that before. 🙂 🙂

    Pillows are nice for decoration in the day, but I only sleep on one. Now, whenI was pregnant I for sure was wrapped around 7 pillows every night from about month 4 onwards!


    Off to drink 8 beees now. 🙂

  16. beers — not beees!!


  17. Grysh says:

    I didn’t mark yours as spam 🙂

    I love sleeping with many pillows. Three would definitely be my max though 😀

  18. kitty says:

    Take that comment about women being weird back!
    I never understood why people need more than one pillow!!

  19. Trina says:

    Thats weird about your website and the spam. i have a bunch of pillows on my bed too. I think it’s a woman thing. I’m in South Jersey by the way. I actually am at Rutgers. but I’m going to be a music teacher. I have worked in daycares and I am looking to work in another one.

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