Comments & Replies

5 Responses to “Arcade is Up”

  1. Natasha says:

    Oooh~ That sounds fun! Crazy that you did everything yourself. I usually do a lot of my coding by myself but not all of it. I was never really ‘taught’ any of this so I try to pick it up here and there when I can.

    Ohhh and respond to your comment. He’s in Canada (:

  2. Sakura says:

    Oh. I need to do it in C++. It’s okay. I will figure out the code somehow. 😀

  3. Angelica says:

    It’s cool that you code things like that yourself. I wish I had those skills!

  4. Stepherz says:

    Me and my boyfriend were just talking about this (well, kind of, haha.) I think it’s really cool that when something doesn’t work for you (or you don’t want to pay) you can just make your own! 🙂

  5. Jason says:

    Yep Coding is awesome. I’ve thought about taking up coding but not sure if I could do it. But I never really tried either so there you go.

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