Comments & Replies

17 Responses to “Remembering Megan Miller”

  1. Carissa says:

    I don’t like to save them as jpg because then the pixels get all blurry. 😛 I wasn’t aware that bmps weren’t meant to work on the web, though.

    That’s sad, but your dedication is very sweet.

  2. Wow, she was only young as well. That is so sad.

    Thank you for your comment.
    I have some new photos of me, and I’m wearing the necklace so I will post some in my next blog.

    I also hate being broke. It sucks. I wish money grew on trees.

  3. kitty says:

    tat’s so sad.. she was young 🙁

    What happened to her?

  4. sheila says:

    Oh, that’s so sad. Sometimes inspiration is found in the funniest of places isn’t it?

  5. Dawn says:

    Oh that is so sad. Didn’t she die of AIDS or HIV+? Hmm, that kid came back from Chile, they said he got kicked out. :O

  6. Beara says:

    Happy belated Valentines Day! Get any nummy chocolates? 🙂

  7. Christine says:

    That’s so sad! I was not familiar with her websites, but still sad nonetheless. =[

  8. Sarah says:

    Oh..that’s sad! How did she die? It’s sad when someone that you look up to just disappears or dies like that.

    I’m writing different types. Like, book reviews, tutorials, advice, and stuff like that.

  9. Lacy says:

    Haha, I have no problem talking about smoking marijuana. I don’t see anything wrong with it really.

  10. Sorry to hear about her death, Sean. May she be happy where she is now.

    I have not yet lost any Internet buddies but I know it will affect me deeply when it happens. Online relationships can be truly close friendships.

    Take care.

  11. Sakura says:

    My midterms tests start on Monday.

  12. Mallory says:

    Oh my gosh, I totally remember visiting Digital Reflex before — I remember looking at her layout and thinking, ‘Wow, I love this girl’s hair!’

    I forgot all about the site until now, though, so it’s kind of strange that I now have an almost identical haircut/hair colour …

    But anyway, geez, man. I feel pretty bummed out that she’s gone now, to say the least — I mean, she’s been gone for two years and I’m just finding out now, but man … It’s really sad.

    How did you find out about her death? What was the cause? Can you refer me to any articles online about it …?

    I apologise for all the questions, I’m just really interested to know what happened …

  13. Chynna says:

    Wow, that’s really sad 🙁

    Yaah, Doctor Who is a good show. Tho, I think it’s AMAZING 😀

    Thanks 🙂


  14. Jenny says:

    You’re right, my head could have been a lot worse. Thanks for your feedback on the font. 🙂

    I’m sorry to hear about Megan.

  15. Blizzy says:

    Hey thank you for your comment! Yeah its pretty obvious who filed the complaint because we stopped her at her car to ask what was going on and then when we picked up our mail we filed the complaint, I’m a little worried she’s still going to pick on us but whatever Ill get her eventually lol. I’m sick of not getting my mail till almost 5:30pm when i know im in the middle of the route.

    That’s so sad, but I like to believe on the other side people have just as much influence on people as if they were sitting right next to you. You might hear from her again someday not in a way youd ever expect.

  16. Jojo says:

    That’s really sad. Rest in Peace Megan. I remember old times, years ago when I had online friends from a forum VortexMB but it got shutdown and I never managed to get in touch with people again 🙁

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