I am shamelessly addicted to infomercials, I want everything from the New Wave Oven to the Shamwows. Usually if I do pick something up I…
But Wait, There’s More
Social Media In, Traditional Media Out
Michael Jackson died this week. Now personally I didn’t really like his music, and I think the best thing he ever did was the Thriller…
Ghostbusters Game Review
It’s been 20 years since Ghostbusters 2, but when you pick up Ghostbusters the Video Game those 20 years seem to fade away as it…
FFMPEG Install?
I am trying to install FFMPEG and a whole bunch of other stuff on my server, but so far it isn’t working. Hopefully I get…
Nassau Instead
I decided to suspend my acceptance to NYIT and go to Nassau Community College instead. I can save money this way, and going to a…
Crackdown and Crackdown 2
I rented Crackdown on Friday and a few hours ago I killed the last boss in the game. Now even though the game was short,…
E3 and Comic Con
During the summer months there is nothing on television and it is really too hot to do anything, plus, I need to wait for Krissy…
PSP Redesign is True?
It looks like one of the E3 predictions that I wrote about the other day is true. Above are pictures of the alleged new redesign…
I got an email today that totally threw me off guard. Apparently I was accepted to NYIT, but I wasn’t expecting to receive an email…
We Got Cable
So we finally got cable. They came today and hooked it up. We have an HD-DVR in the bedroom hooked up to my 32 inch…
Hectic Week
It’s been a very hectic week. On Saturday when I was out picking up a Sicilian pie, I backed into someone. We decided not to…
Need to Rig a Tripod
Lindsay gave me an idea for videos today. I might set up my camcorder in front of the tv and record it that way instead…