Comments & Replies

9 Responses to “Changing It Up”

  1. Jamie says:

    Ahahaha, that’s funny! I’m on medications because i have paranoia schizophrenia with anxiety. They didn’t want me to drive because my anxiety attacks gets really severe so if I were to have one while behind the wheel. I might end up killing someone else or me. So that’s why they told me not to drive for 5+ years. But yeah. That’s the reason why they told me I couldn’t drive.

  2. Eunice says:

    Correct me if I have misunderstood, but your bank doesn’t open on weekends?! WHADDA? That’s insane. Good luck on receiving money via bank, though 🙂 I haven’t received money via anything so all I can do is stand in awe as you talk about it.

    My friend from the blog – he can save up. He gets a crapload of pocket money each week and a bonus at the end of the month (wtf?), so he can DEFINITELY save up. He just makes all these excuses about spending his goddam money. And there’s no WalMart where I live!

  3. Merii-Beth says:

    ouu, i can’t wait to see the new layout ! (:

    + haha, thanks for your comment. (:
    how have you been?

  4. Amy says:

    I should Google some of them, so I have a clue what people are talking about. Acronyms are annoying!!

    Have a good time going out to dinner.
    I’ve never played any of those games, but form what I’ve heard they’re meant to be good.

  5. Anjie says:

    Best ever made, huh? Well, it seems to be working well for you.

  6. Tiff says:

    I know..I hate them too. Your site loads really slow for me. Hope you get your payments sent in.

  7. Merii-Beth says:

    lol well what are your plans for the new layout?
    maybe i can help. haha. 😉

    + i’m doing good,
    just working on my website. 🙂
    i put up another new layout lmao.

  8. Jenny says:

    Have fun at your dinner date! I hope your payment comes in successfully 🙂
    What do you mean by “Is band camp really how they portray it in the movies?” :S

  9. Julianne says:

    Hey, my parents are split so I live in NYC but i’m visiting the other parent’s house which is in the outskirts.

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