XBox Live Arcade has tons of great games that you can download and play. No games peak my interest more than the ones that are…
Games We’d Like to See on the XBox Live Arcade
E3, I want to Come to You
One of my many, many goals in life is to attend the biggest electronics show in America, at least what used to be the biggest…
It was Cancer
We found out yesterday that the bump that they removed from Bella’s stomach wasn’t a cyst, but was in fact cancer. The vet says he…
Bella’s Home
I brought Bella home after the surgery yesterday around 4PM. She is in a lot of pain and has a bandage around her stomach. She…
Bye Bye Lumpy
Bella is having surgery on Thursday to get a lump removed from her stomach. The surgery is less money than we expected it to be,…
This is turning out horribly
I think it would be best if I had a pen to go over the lines, as a mouse is very limiting. Anyway, this is…
Here He Comes to Save the Day
So here is my Superman sketch. Over the next few days (or whenever I have time) I am going to be posting updates to it…
You’re the One Who Cries When You’re Alone
Nothing has been going on around here lately, I hope you guys are enjoying the daily sketches. I might do something in a few days,…
Getting Back to Normal
Our friend Lucy died last week. I haven’t really felt right since, tonight I think I am feeling a bit better, after I got some…
Halo Wars
I managed to sit down and play the Halo Wars demo over the weekend. Originally I had low expectations for this game, Ensemble has made…
New Layout and Guy of the Moment
The new layout is up. I believe is is much cleaner, even if it isn’t much of a big change. I have added a Twitter…
Oh Why didn’t I talk About These Sooner?
I have been busy lately. First, the Guy of the Moment Contest is open for voting. It has gotten almost as many votes with three…