Everyone go check out the new Forum. It is just the beginning of what I hope will become a very active member’s area. In order…
Member’s Features Live
This is Why We Need Healthcare
I realize that I haven’t posted much, but there is good reason for that. On Thursday of last week I got a call from my…
Members Area Coming Soon
I am sick. My head is throbbing my throat hurts and all I want to do is crawl back into bed. I’ve been working through…
5 Words
Caity was nice enough to give me five words to blog about, so here I am blogging about them. Family I used to think that…
Been Busy
This is my first blog in over a week. Where have I been? No where actually. I have been here. I have improved some stuff…
Family Matters
My father called me a few days ago and let me know that my uncle had passed away. I went to the wake yesterday and…
Interesting Day on Forrest Avenue
There was a huge thunderstorm in Glen Cove today. Well I am sitting here and I see a flash of lightning. Then I hear the…
Oh What Beautiful Colors
Over the years I have had a lot of people tell me that my site was hard on their eyes and it was so dark…
Routing to a Router?
Work has been a little crazy the last few days. Things kind of blew up out of no where, but for the most part I…
Pushing People Around
I went grocery shopping today. Have you ever noticed that when you are in a rush and want to get in and out quickly and…
Friday the 13th Review
When Hollywood says that they are doing a remake of a movie, you expect it to be the same movie that they did years before,…
Batman Arkham Asylum Demo Review
I will tell you right off the bat that when Lindsey told me before that Batman couldn’t jump I was put off. How are they…