Comments & Replies

12 Responses to “Damn Cute Dog”

  1. isi says:

    oh no over here, you pay once and once you go up those stairs, you can watch as much movies as you want. As long as you don’t go back down stairs. we would have kept watching but it was getting dark and i was getting sleepy lol

    i dont read harry potter books lol its is too huge for my liking lol. the only big books i ever read was the entire twilight saga. those were good lol

    there are different ways to make money. like clicking ads. just google “make money online”

    • I am trying to make enough money to live off of, my site makes enough to pay the hosting bill, and my hosting company makes enough to pay for itself but I need people to pay to program stuff for them.

  2. Merii-Beth says:


    +, yeh..the last book is really dark.
    i haven’t read it, but i’ve read parts.
    and I know for sure it won’t have the same G-rating as the first movie. LMFAO. 🙂

  3. isi says:

    i didn’t see the blog at the bottom so i did know. i also did not see blog at the sidebar lol. stupid me i know

  4. Merii-Beth says:

    it’s rated PG. -_-

  5. Jamie says:

    I dunno how to fix it in Safari, as I don’t use that. I use Firefox. So LOST is coming in the fall? If you’re right on this, I can’t wait for it. Plus dogs are cute.

  6. sarahc says:

    Well, regardless, I wanted to punch both the teacher and the girl in the face.. And with my temper and the fact there’s some Irish in me, heh, I could have done it. LOL

  7. Angel says:

    Aww dogs are so wonderful. At least she adores you. Hm I would definitely try out for cross-browser testing. I may need a PHP developer in the near future, but I’ll need money to pay you!

  8. Cecilie says:

    Awww, I love dogs:) She sounds so cute:)

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