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10 Responses to “Comic-Con”

  1. Jamie says:

    Thanks I’ll be sure to tell my grandmother you congratulated her. No I haven’t seen any of the Lost stuff at comic con. San Diego is too far away from me to go and I really wanted to go too. Ah well; I hope you get to go and have fun. Iron Man 2 huh? I don’t think I’ve ever seen the first one what’s it about?

  2. Jamie says:

    Get out of town, Josh Holloway from Lost is in it?

  3. Do says:

    Yup those parts were soo hilarious. I love the happy ending for Hannah too 🙂

  4. Nina says:

    I really can’t wait for Iron Man II, I loved the first one so damn much!

    I’ve never really heard of a “comic-con” before, what is it exactly?


  5. Jamie says:

    Aww man, and comic con is over. Oh well; maybe next year.

  6. Merii-Beth says:

    lol thanks for the comment. 🙂
    yeah, i wanted to try something bright this time. xD

    anyways, omg there’s going to be an iron man 2?
    wow, that’s soo weird. 😛
    unless it already came out, then damn, i’m really noob. 😛

  7. Amy says:

    I havent seen Iron Man One yet, so I’m a bit behind. Haha.

    We were rolling in Aikido, but actually doing gymnastic rolls (well I was). You just put your hands down and roll over your head.

  8. Cecilie says:

    I think you should go next year:)

  9. Chrys says:

    What the deuce is Comic Con? I’ve been hearing about how excited everyone is and everything… But… yeahh.

    Yeah, your site is submitted 😀 You’re on the list so you’ll be getting an email late on the 31st with details and everything.

  10. Christine says:

    I still need to see Iron Man before the second one. I’m so slow with movies some times, but I heard it was great.

    And btw, the tests I had to take were for my state, so you get certified in the state you get your degree in first usually and CT is insane with all of their standards! Don’t give up the teaching dream, we need more of us!!

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