I love Vista Print. They have a ton of free offers going on all the time, and they have on going discounts that can save you even more money. For instance if you use the discount code TShirts25 then you can get 25% Off T-shirts. I would love to have a t-shirt that had LepsLair printed on the front of it. Think about it, I could go to the mall, or a store, wherever and advertise my website just by walking around. I don’t actually know if it would work, but it would be worth a shot.
I know I would use Vista Print for Christmas Cards. I am not talking about everyday run of the mill Christmas cards, I am talking about custom photo christmas cards. See I think the photo cards are a great way to keep people updated on what your family looks like, how it has grown, and what has changed with you in the past year. Maybe even do more than the typical picture with name of who it is too, maybe have it as a real card where you can write what has been up recently, especially for the people you haven’t seen in a while. I don’t know, maybe it is corny, but I know I like the idea.