I try and get something done for my site at least once a month, though I really want to get something done once a week, if not more. My last two updates haven’t been significant for users, but they have been for me. I had tons of DVDs to actually go through and add and in the latest one I had been able to add it and edit it from the Mac. Over the next week I am going to try and get a lot done on the Mac, email checks, programming, all that, but only if Krissy isn’t going to be using it. The keyboard takes a little getting used to, but I just can’t get the hang of the mouse. I might have to plug in a 2 button mouse so I don’t keep hitting random things.
As for the updates on this site, they may seem insignifigant to you, but I have a whole list of things that need to get done. I am going to attempt to get some work done tomorrow then attempt to work on the Spiderman section, but that may not get done at all. I also have work and pictures to upload for the gallery, but again I don’t know when that will get done. Maybe being on the Mac I will be enticed to edit photos and then jut have to upload them.