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5 Responses to “So That was Christmas”

  1. Randi says:

    That’s exciting that you bought a house. I can’t wait until we do. I hope you can get into it soon!

    Glad you had a good holiday. For a moment, I thought that axe was part of the guitar! lol

  2. Michelle says:

    Badass guitar and axe. Let us go and kick some ass, I kid, but seriously, we can totally do that XD but I’m glad you had a great Christmas.

    For a moment, I too, thought the axe was part of the guitar, but it doesn’t matter. It is still so so cool!

  3. Angelica says:

    I must have been naughty this year because I didn’t get anything for Christmas! ๐Ÿ˜›

    I don’t know much about axes or guitars, but that one looks pretty cool. I’m going to have to catch up on your house news because last I knew you were still purchasing! (I’m a slacker, I know!!)

    Anyway, thanks for popping by my blog ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice to see a familiar face! Have a great and safe New Years!!

  4. Nancy says:

    Congratulations on finally reaching that deal and moving into your home! It sounds like you have been having a busy holiday so far! Hopefully you’re having fun while being in New York. Your axe looks pretty cool! It’s a real axe where you can go out and slaughter watermelons and fruits?

    Hope 2015 will bring you many prosperity and success!

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