This marks the first Christmas that we’ve owned our house. We were planning on being in the house for Christmas, but due to some unforeseen circumstances we decided to come up to New York รย for Christmas and then go back home for New Years with Colin on Sunday. Even though Christmas is now over, we’re doing Christmas on Friday with Kristen’s mom and on Saturday with her aunt. We’ll be leaving on Sunday once Colin gets out of work. Eventually I think we will be doing a separate Christmas celebration down in Delaware with my parents, but I don’t know that for certain.
Kristen and I exchanged gifts before we came to New York, I only took a picture of this ax she got me this year in front of the guitar she got me last year. I just put it up on the same hook as the guitar temporarily, I have to hang it on it’s own hook, as well as the weapons Colin got me for Christmas.
Guitar behind the ax on the wall
I hope everyone had a good holiday and I hope it won’t be another six months before I write again. Merry Christmas everyone.
That’s exciting that you bought a house. I can’t wait until we do. I hope you can get into it soon!
Glad you had a good holiday. For a moment, I thought that axe was part of the guitar! lol
Nice guitar
Badass guitar and axe. Let us go and kick some ass, I kid, but seriously, we can totally do that XD but I’m glad you had a great Christmas.
For a moment, I too, thought the axe was part of the guitar, but it doesn’t matter. It is still so so cool!
I must have been naughty this year because I didn’t get anything for Christmas! ๐
I don’t know much about axes or guitars, but that one looks pretty cool. I’m going to have to catch up on your house news because last I knew you were still purchasing! (I’m a slacker, I know!!)
Anyway, thanks for popping by my blog ๐ Nice to see a familiar face! Have a great and safe New Years!!
Congratulations on finally reaching that deal and moving into your home! It sounds like you have been having a busy holiday so far! Hopefully you’re having fun while being in New York. Your axe looks pretty cool! It’s a real axe where you can go out and slaughter watermelons and fruits?
Hope 2015 will bring you many prosperity and success!