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5 Responses to “Closing Postponed”

  1. Joy says:

    Oh gosh, I know this process all too well.

    They try to stall you every chance they get and it so annoying. We had to send them pay stubs every two weeks until closing to keep our finance record up to date and we must have seen 20 houses, 4 of which we tried for and got outbid, before we found our house.

    The road can be long and stressful but I know it will work out for you guys in the end! Just keep your head up!

  2. Nancy says:

    I’m sorry to hear that there was another stall on closing the contract. Even though there’s another setback, at least you have your dad cosinging on the loan. The process of getting a loan sounds really tedious since they want every single document to check up on. It kind of makes sense considering how they don’t want to deal with fraud or people who can’t afford to pay back the loans; but it’s not fair to those who do have credibility.

    Even though your 360 died, your newer one has more benefits that outweighs to old one. It’s a good idea to hold off on buying new furnitures/appliances until the house is secured.. Unless there’s a super great deal, maybe you can have an exception for that :P.

    Hope everything goes well!

  3. Jenn says:

    Ugh, I am so sorry to hear about the setback. That has been the story of my life for the past year, so I can definitely commiserate. I hope that the bank gets all of the paperwork in order and is able to get you the loan ASAP!

  4. Christine says:

    God, this bank would have made me go insane by now. I’m so sorry that your closing is still getting pushed back. I hope it gets cleared up soon!

  5. Angelica says:

    That sucks! I am SO sorry about that. When my mom (who is the only person I know buying a house)was buying a house they wanted to know everything, too. Like… every single penny.

    This kinda stuff makes me afraid to get a house, just because I don’t think I can account for every penny lol. I tend to just spend money like… whatever. I pay what I need to and blow the rest. Yup. I’m *that* guy.

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