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15 Responses to “Mortgage Papers Came”

  1. Chynna says:

    Yay! Third time is definitely the charm 🙂 Glad everything is going well for you.

    Definitely understand about privacy. I’ve been wanting to get into vlogging for a while but can never find the space/time for myself.

  2. Miranda says:

    Congratulations! Moving into a new place – especially one that you own – really is a great feeling and can energize you to start working on other things more too. It’s almost impossible to not want to start changing things and making it your own, and can even be frustrating for a while when you’re living in the new place and unable to afford to do all you want, but really in the long run it makes it more satisfying when you DO get around to making it your own 🙂 We’ve lived here for a year and have only really fixed up one room haha Good luck with it all!

  3. Angelica says:

    WOOHOO!!! This is soooo AWESOME!!! I am happy for you guys!!! I’m glad you’re excited!!!

    Your previous posts sort of seemed like “this is too good to be true” and like you just weren’t ready to be excited, so I’m totally happy to see you excited now!


  4. I bet it will be lovely to have your own space! Enjoy 🙂

  5. Rita Von says:

    Glad that things are starting to feel like they are falling into place, and congratulations the new home!

  6. Manda says:

    Congrats! Sounds like things are moving along.

  7. Jenn says:

    Sometimes it does take three tries before you get it right. Fingers crossed that everything continues to move along for you smoothly! Before you know it you’ll be blogging from your mancave. 😀

  8. Agent Q says:

    Yaaay! Glad everything’s [almost] finalized! I knew finding/buying a home is a complicated process, but I never got a good “look” at its complexity until I read your posts. Third time’s the charm indeed. xD

  9. Christine says:

    Hey! Congratulations on having everything almost done! You should be very proud (and probably nice and relieved, too) Having an office definitely rekindles the passion for blogging and work in general. Once my office was set up here, I had a blast working in my projects. 🙂

  10. Veronica says:

    That’s really exciting, I’m happy for you!

    Also, it’s great to have a lot of ideas for what you want done on your site. I know it might sound like a lot, but then you’ll feel good when you’ve got it all accomplished.

  11. Sammy says:

    Uhm yeah, so I’m definitely going to be bookmarking your recipes section. I’m that typical in the kitchen all the time girlfriend lmao I LOVE IT I HAVE NO SHAME.

    But yeah, you guys must be so stoked about the mortgage and everything! I’m so happy for you!! 😀

  12. Nancy says:

    It sounds like you’re making some progress with getting that house! Third time is usually the charm and considering how your site is themed around the leprechaun theme, why not? Every guy wants their own man cave in their homes, don’t they? XD

    A lot of corporations these days have no respect for their user’s privacy. It’s a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Is this issue related with having to have kinect plugged in all the time as well?

    You’re getting a lot of things done on this site! Good job! You’re doing a good job in getting the things organized on your site~ I’m looking forward into seeing some of these great ideas getting implemented on the site!

    I’m glad to hear that things are working out for you. Keep on working for what you want and never give up!

  13. Ang says:

    Congratulations! I know how exciting it is to buy a house and I felt the exact same when we got ours. Now, we are looking at fixing it up and selling it and potentially buying a house in town. We have yet to decide if we plan on staying in AZ but I am going to start looking at houses. I can’t wait to see pictures of your house and wish you the best in accomplishing your goals!

  14. Nicole says:

    Congrats! I assume you have signed the papers already, that must be very exciting.

    I hope you’re able to film videos more comfortably now. Keep us posted on that, I love watching videos (especially if they’re gaming related).

    Good luck with everything!

  15. Carrie says:

    Wow! I wish I even had enough money to talk about a mortgage. I’m so broke, I have to pay rent for the time being, lol.

    Good luck and Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

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