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7 Responses to “We Got Cable”

  1. Krissy says:

    It’s my goal to just lay down in bed when I get home from work, and not move until Saturday morning. Make sure you’ve got the new remote waiting for me so I can channel surf my heart out!

  2. Gillian says:

    Lol, I don’t think I should put it on fmylife cause everyone’s going to say that I deserved it. xD
    Plus, I don’t want to make the embarrassing mishap even more publicly known than it already is.

    Congrats on getting cable!

  3. It’s great you still find time to update this site. I’ve been planning on starting a blog for a few years now but I delay it, since I know I would not be able to keep it updated.

  4. Christine says:

    DVR? Is that where you can record your shows and never miss them? Because if so, I want that! And HD TV’s are amazing. My boyfriend just got one (he dumpster dived it), and it’s so fun to watch movies and HD channels!

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