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7 Responses to “The Idiots are Taking Over”

  1. Carissa says:

    Sure, I’ll be affiliated with you. 🙂 I’ll add you within a day or two.

    Oh, god. I can’t think of any specific examples at the moment, but I completely agree; it seems like the government can be a lot of idiots. I guess it would definitely be hard to rule a country completely fairly–you can’t please everybody–but I do think they could be trying a little harder.

    Eh, I’d be offended if I was Sarah Palin, too, but I don’t think it’s something she needs to cause a fuss about. If she wanted to cause a fuss, she should have done it at Family Guy’s beginning, since, like you said, they’ve made fun of so many different types of people.

  2. what? a 12 year old girl was arrested? i think that’s not ryt 🙁

  3. sheila says:

    I like that you put the comment thingy at the bottom 🙂

    Okay, your last line? *smiles* Love that. But apparently not, lol. You’re right, Some of the things people do are incredibly amazingly stupid and the powers that be haven’t gotten any smarter. As for Palin. *sigh* What do you expect, really, from her? lol I mean, come on. She’s only got so much to work with.

  4. Angelica says:

    The stupidity of people never seize to amaze me. It’s especially funny – and upsetting how some take the law so literally.

    Sure he beat up the pervert man but can anyone blame him? Who wouldn’t have done the same thing?!

    It’s like if someone breaks into your house and your dog bites the burglar the burglar can sue you for your dog biting him!

  5. Sakura says:

    Sigh… I am getting older now. 🙁

  6. Simone says:

    WTF! That’s the kind of stuff that pisses me up. A man gets charged with assault because he was trying to protect his child. Now the judge who was on this case should be ashamed of themself, I bet if they were in the postion they would have done the same thing.

    A 12 year old gets arrested for drawing on a desk. WTF! I mean get real now. If that the case then there are plenty of students who should be behind bars as we speak. Once again, they should be ashamed of themselves.

    Sarah Palin is just a dumb fuck, excuse my language but really now. Family Guy is known for making fun of people, it’s a cartoon for goodness sack. Just ugh, what is wrong with people these days!

    I wish it was that easy of getting Jamal back but I don’t ever think he’ll be my friend again. He wasn’t my first love though, we were simply friends..well something more, I loved him and all but *sigh* I wouldn’t know how to get him back to talking to me even if I tried /:

  7. Deidre says:

    Oh Sarah Palin…it’s unfortunate that she keeps threatening to be “important” in US politics because otherwise, it would be some nice comic relief to keep her and her idiocy around.

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