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6 Responses to “Nikon FE2”

  1. Sam says:

    Hey Sean,

    Yeh shopping in Australia is really expensive, but I haven’t really been anywhere else so I am not accustom to paying less!! It also depends on what you buy – designer items are more expensive here – like MAC makeup and designer label clothes. But other things can be just as cheap as anywhere else, like underwear and basic clothes.

    oooo Nikon!! I love manual photography! I really want a SLR. I have a pretty good camera but nothing with changeable lenses!! I want to collect lenses!!

  2. Christine says:

    I love the manual cameras. I took a few classes on photography a while ago and they were great. I loved working in the dark room and learning about developing film. You’ll have to take some photos and show us!

  3. Deanna says:

    That sucks that you have to pay into your taxes. I’ve never had to pay in. They always pay me. I just sent mine in yesterday and can’t wait for my money!

  4. Jamie says:

    Hey Sean, yeah I just got a boyfriend in February. I met him on on February 8th, and than we had our first date on Valentines Night, of this year! Hey if you need any money let me know okay? I’ll be willing to help you and Kris out okay?

  5. Film is fun for a while, but it really made me appreciate my digital camera.

  6. Jane says:

    A lot of people getting into manual photography love the Nikon cameras. I say that as a point and shooter :p

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