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6 Responses to “2013 is Over”

  1. Joy says:

    Oh gosh, I know exactly how you feel. My husband and I went through this crazy some and dance. We were first looking for a HUD home because they are cheap but it really wasn’t worth the stress of the 203k loan. Make sure you’re working with a really good realtor because that makes all of the difference. It’s a very emotional process but it will pay off in the end! Good luck in your house hunting!

  2. Hiro says:

    Lead in the water. Holy shit. I know a lot of people going through shit for not having checked their new house thoroughly before purchasing, so it’s good that you’re getting all that shennanigans thoroughly out of the way! Good luck, and congrats again on your engagement and your mom being cancer free! 🙂

  3. Jamie says:

    There is lead in the water no matter were you go in life. The only thing that doesn’t contain lead is Spring Water of which you would drink. We bathe in water, but I would not want to drink it not after hearing all the bad crap that is inside the water that comes from our sinks.

    Thank you for your kind words about the abusive relationship and for wishing me a new year. The relationship if you would even call it that only lasted a couple of months and I started noticing a pattern. 1.) The animals around the apartments barked at him every time he came by 2.) He would stop most contact and lie about where he was 3.) I was his backup girl. I started realizing this after he had ditched our date to go out drinking with his brother and friends. He called up my friend first after the mere fact that I had been texting and calling wondering where he was. He even got in my face a couple of times and that’s when I almost socked him. I told him that my apartment is NOT our place as he wasn’t even listed on the lease. That got his goat good. I refuse to go back to an abusive relationship like that. I had to clean the apartment every day, and if it wasn’t clean he wasn’t happy. Who needs that in their life? There wasn’t anything left to clean lol. But yeah, it made me realize that being in that relationship was enough for me to be on my own for awhile and that’s what I did. I met my current boyfriend on the 8th of January and we will be together for a year on the 8th. Going strong too.

    2013 was a good year to me despite some downfalls. 2014 will be an even better year – going back to school, reading more, losing some interest in the internet, and finding more friends on Facebook.

    I’m so sorry that finding a house that is in your budget isn’t going right, but don’t worry sooner or later you’ll get that approval that you guys have been looking for. Are you guys still doing that hosting and domain thing?

    • There’s some capacity of lead yes, but you need to be lower than a certain level to be approved for a mortgage if you have a well. If it’s public water they don’t test it privately.

      Yes, the hosting site is

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