I want a watch. I don’t have a cell phone and sometimes I would just like to know what time it is. Even if I…
Corum Automatic
Political Correctness be Damned
I miss watching “All in the Family”. I was watching “Everybody Loves Raymond” and I saw their kitchen and realized that it was the same…
Binoculars for my Camera?
I want a really good pair of binoculars. Why? Simple, it is a lot cheaper than getting a new camera and a lens, all I…
Thanksgiving is Over
Thanksgiving came and went, I overate and didn’t go out the following day for early Christmas shopping. My Paypal is messed up and I have…
I wanna be a Cowboy Baby
I have an odd obsession with western stuff. I have always wanted a cowboy hat, and maybe some cowboy boots, and I have always loved…
Registered in NY
So after numerous trips back and forth to the DMV, along with a little mishap of my keys being locked in my car, my car…
Lep’s Lair Consulting?
Barrack Obama spoke in one of his speeches about how anyone can be an entrepreneur with the internet. Since I heard him say that I…
I have been working on ways to get back into school. The first step is taken, which was get my license switched over, now I…
Phone Abuse
Krissy has been receiving a lot of numbers from Arizone on her cell phone. She got like 40 of them in an hour on Friday…
Thanksgiving Shopping is Done
Krissy just got back from the supermarket with a whole bunch of food for Thanksgiving. I think after BJs and the supermarket, I can safely…
Web of Shadows
I love Spiderman Web of Shadows. I loved all the Spiderman movie games, even number 3 with its lackluster controls, but Web of Shadows builds…
Windows Errors
I love Windows don’t you? I mean the program can barely stay open long enough before you get one of those cryptic little error popup…