So Vermont has made it legal for two men or two women to get married. This of course comes after Iowa decided the same thing last week. I am all for gay rights, afterall if a man and woman can go to Vegas never meet before a drunken night and get married, then shouldn’t gay people have the same freedom? If it were up to me then gays would be allowed to be married in every state under federal law. I would actually give tax credits to gay people who get married in Texas, but maybe that is because I don’t like Texas, aside from the express lane to the death penalty. Afterall they did give us George W. Bush for eight years.
April 07, 2009
Heh, the Texans would be thrilled about that for sure. Maybe they should have been billed for providing US with such a disastrous president? I also support gay marriage, here in Slovenia gays can only make a 'legal commitment' and I think that is not enough.