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13 Responses to “Plans for this Website in the Coming Months”

  1. Annika says:

    Hi Sean!

    Those are some pretty ambitious plans you have for your site. It must be great to know how to code forums and memberships and stuff like that. I rely on already made scripts because I can’t program worth crap.

    Are you eventually going to do a site redesign, too? I’m curious!

    As far as marketing my site, I’m broke. The most effective thing I’ve been doing so far is cleaning up my permalinks, and I visit blogs daily and comment with meaningful comments (I come back to the same blogs and continue to comment, so I don’t look like a run-by comment/blog promoting whore).

    It’s been a fun experience so far. But I’d like to get the site even more visitors and commenters. That’s always the case though, huh?

  2. Tamara says:

    Oh such exciting and refreshing news. You definitely inspire me to give my own blog a make over. However I know that won’t be happening soon. My first goal is to do something with that eye soar of a design and then work on content. I’m even thinking of opening my own shop to sell artwork 🙂 I don’t know we shall see in the far future.

  3. Sakura says:

    Wow. It’s great that you have the time to add new things on your site.

  4. sheila says:

    Would have never thought to click the post title, lol.

  5. Mallory says:

    All the upcoming changes sound pretty damn great — And it’s also awesome that you coded your own forum/member’s section, as well! I would’ve thought you just used a preexisting script for that, haha. ^^;

  6. Krystal says:

    i don’t know shit about coding or forums so more power to ya! lol Did you ever get my reply to the comment you left me? Check it out just in case you don’t want to me to display what you asked about on here ttyl and thanks for checking out my blog

  7. Angelica says:

    I think it’s really cool that you coded your forum yourself. I wish I was that advanced when it comes to web design.

  8. Julie says:

    That’s cool that you’re revamping and reorganizing your site to make it better. Sounds like a lot of work though.

  9. Natasha says:

    The plans sound pretty promising. They sound like a great deal of organization and more to share with your visitors.. like me =] So I’m excited haha.

    What are ‘girl of the moment’ contests? haha.

  10. Christine says:

    Wow, you have a ton of plans for this site. I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with the site. It seems you’re always working on new stuff. Makes me feel lazy, lol!!

    If you want a cool place to go to in NYC try the Museum of Sex, it’s cheap and fun to go to!

  11. Shauna says:

    Sounds like you have a great plan for the website. I wish I had some time to put into my own. I’m thinking on just shutting down. lol

  12. Samara says:

    Sounds like some great ideas are in the works for your sit. I can’t wait to see the results!

  13. Cecilie says:

    It sounds like there’s going to be a lot of changes to your website, and I am really looking forward to see it:) Good luck!

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