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8 Responses to “Money Woes”

  1. Mary says:

    Sounds like you had a very nice weekend in New Jersey. I can never get lucky at the casinos. The only way I can get lucky is those lottery scratch off tickets.

    Glad to see that your car passed inspection. I am still saving up to buy a car. I would liked a new car, but as long as it’s reliable; I wouldn’t mind buying one that is used.

    Have a nice night and talk to you soon.

  2. Carissa says:

    Can’t say I’m familiar with Final Fantasy. o_O I’m pretty new to the gaming persona, at least for games that aren’t made by Nintendo and feature adorably awesome characters. 😛

    Personally, I’m not much into the “multiplayer” aspect of WoW. You’re probably thinking, “Then why are you playing?” because that’s pretty much the point of it, but I love the characters and running around doing quests. Battling other players–not so much. The only thing I like about multiplayer is that my boyfriend can log on to his brother’s account (since I’m using my boyfriend’s account) and help me out when I’m about to do something that might get me killed… repeatedly. Ironically, my over-cautiousness gets me killed. 😛

  3. Carissa says:

    I hit enter before I remembered to comment your blog. 😛

    Hm, I’ve never gambled. Is the legal age 18 or 21 in the US?

  4. Angelica says:

    Oh wow, you lost a lot of money! But of course I’m poor so everything is a lot of money to me. XD I hope everything else went well. 🙂

  5. Amy says:

    Those sound like good ideas for a ninja.

    Hopefully money won’t be a problem. I can’t believe you lost so much though. Good luck!

    My Dad buys cars a lot but then he sells them after a while. I can remember times when we had like 5 cars that were just his. Lol.

  6. Christine says:

    Wow, gambling is evil. I never win either. Or atleast I never win big. I got 40.00 once but I bought dinner for my boyfriend and I, haha.

    Glad your car passed inspection.

  7. david says:

    Happy that you had a good trip. Sorry to hear that you have lost a lot of money. Hope your work will help you pay the other bills. Nice to see you blog after many days.
    Keep posting.

  8. Shauna says:

    Glad your trip went well and your car passed inspections. Here’s to hoping you can get some extra cash flowing in soon! Best of luck.

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