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19 Responses to “2010 Off to a… Start”

  1. Oh definitely. People always learn new things and as the years go on, technology develops more and more so there is never nothing to learn unless you are the creator of all haha.
    I was wondering what your hosting site is that you were talking about in the comment you wrote me.

  2. Sakura says:

    Well, the thing is that I don’t know what I love right now. I just feel so lost. πŸ™

    Wow. I admire people who knows how to use Flash. PHP is kidn of tough for me so far. Oh well… Hopefully I can take a module on PHP next semester after I finished learning C++ this semester.

    • The thing is if you can understand the simple fundamentals of programming, then you can take that and apply it to any language out there with a few exceptions, like HTML, Actionscript, etc where it is more based on appearance and such.

      The order I learned in was QBASIC, Javascript, Visual BASIC 6, C++, PHP/MySQL, Visual BASIC.NET (although I was only in the course for a short time and my second course on it was BS). I was in high school when I learned the first three and by the time I got to my first college programming courses which were C++ and fundamentals of programming using Javascript, I had a good handle on things, so I took on PHP/MySQL at the same time. PHP uses a lot of the same functions as C++, and Javascript’s functions are just a variant of that also, so each one is intertwined.

  3. Jenny says:

    I been trying to learn php for years but I just can’t get the hang of it and it’s making me sad. I’m officially jealous. xD

    • Aww, don’t be jealous. Look at my Programming Fundamentals tutorial and if you understand that then you can take it and learn Javascript, PHP, anything. If you understand the basics then it’s just a matter of learning the syntax.

  4. sheila says:

    I suppose we can look it 2010’s start not as depressing and full of woe (Haiti) but the flipside on how the year starts off with the world pulling together to help it’s fellow man.

    It’s gonna be a much better year!

  5. Mallory says:

    I actually had no clue about the Haiti earthquake until just yesterday afternoon — Before that, I kept hearing about it here and there, but I decided to ignore it.

    I figured it was just another one of those trendy things people like to do, you know, like, ‘Donate money via PayPal to help poor people in other countries!’

    Then I find out thousands and thousands of people died, and I felt like a bit of an asshole, haha … Still, though, I don’t think it’s entirely my fault, as you do have to admit people are constantly trying to raise money for something or other. They do it so often, in fact, that I barely bat an eyelash now when it happens — Evidently. x_X;

    Oh, and in response to your comment on my site!

    Honestly as long as they arenÒ€ℒt raping, killing, or doing anything else horribly wrong, should it matter what strange things people do?

    Not at all, but

    A: You must admit that’s what all of mankind does anyways, and,
    B: Hey, we all gotta have blog topics! =P

    • LOL Definitely. People watching makes for some good blog topics, especially if you can get your town to go to the site and figure out who you are talking about.

  6. Christine says:

    The earthquake in Haiti was so, so sad. It always seems that these poor people in third world countries are beginning to recover and then something happens to prove otherwise.

    I wish you luck with all of your projects. When do you find time to sleep?! You seem to be always working. Enjoy your dinner with Kris!!

  7. Cecilie says:

    I agree. It is really strange to think about the fact that life can change so suddenly. It must be horrible! I cannot imagine how that would be.

  8. Annika says:


    There are designers, and there are coders. Even if you’re a Jack of all Trades, you’ll still always end up enjoying and generally being better at one thing than the other.

    Not that I’m claiming to be any of these.

    I’m too afraid to try Flash. And my PHP skills? Ha. Does a file include count? πŸ˜› I’m currently fighting with Inkscape. I really want to be able to make my own fancy site designs some day, not to mention sell some shirts on Zazzle or Printfection in the faaaaaar future.

    Rambling. I do that.

    I completely agree on what you said about SEO and blogs. Most people with a blog don’t care, and either abandon it or change domains / blogging hosts faster than I buy new shoes. But for the rest of us who want traffic, and to make money off their blogs, SEO is important!

  9. Tamara says:

    Hey Sean! Thanks for commenting my post πŸ™‚ I appreciate your condolences. Yeah I recently lost my Dad and now my Grandfather (his dad) so it really does weigh on me. By I know God foes everything for a reason.

    I love your site here! I’ve never really came across a site that has so much going on. Something to keep you interested and constantly clicking! I especially like where you feature a guy & girl for the site. How cool is that! I find it interesting to learn new & cool things about ppl u wouldn’t otherwise know about if you simply passed them on the streets. Very awesome site! Good luck with that whole Flash business. I’m clueless to it myself but if you’re determined I’m sure your hard work will pay off!

  10. Tamara says:

    Thanks Sean! I got my septum pierced in October or so. Heals up great. I’d reccommend getting one to anybody lol

  11. Samara says:

    Wow. I have no idea how to use Flash or After Effects. The only thing I’m fairly decent at is Photoshop even though I have the other programs I never use them. I also like coding as well. I don’t even use dreamweaver when creating a site because the manual coding seems to be easy for me, but thats just my opinion.

    My heart goes out to Haiti as well. I really wish that we could have at least 1 year if not more without wars, devastation, and disasters!

  12. Arlene says:

    2010 has been good to me so far. My prayers go out to everyone affected by the earthquakes.

    Wow, I wish I knew how to do all that stuff. Php gives me a head just looking at it. I’ve wanted to go take classes on it for years just haven’t been able to. I always wanted to learn flash however I don’t think I would ever use it for my personal site. I just think it would be great to know how to use it.

    The gym I go to is planet fitness. I hear quite a few gyms have the circuit training though. I love it. πŸ™‚

  13. Stepherz says:

    Oh, I know! It’s just breaks my heart to hear all about those poor people! I can’t even imagine how hard it must be…

    Flash is really cool! Too bad I’m too lazy to learn it. πŸ™

  14. Dominique says:

    At first, I didn’t think it was a big deal when mother nature hit Haiti. Then I saw some pictures of the disaster 6 days after it happened and it was unbelievable! I don’t think anyone can fathom what they’re going through unless it’s happened to you.

    I wish I had knowledge in Flash, let alone PHP. All I know how to do is the simple HTML code lol and I barely do it!

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