After September 11th I think iot was easy for everyone to be an American. You had American flags out in full force and everyone really showed their pride, September 11th showed the world that this country was great and that when you need it, everyone comes together. After that things started to dwindle.
There are a lot less flags nowadays and we have a president who broke many laws of the Geneva Convention for his war on Iraq. The war that started over WMD’s. The same WMD’s that Saddam had stated were just supposed to draw away from other countries that did have them, namely Iran. The healthcare prices in America skyrocketed and the economy went to Hell. Americans forgot to be proud.
In recent weeks I believe that America is learning to be proud again. Less and less people are looking at the republican party, and more and more are looking at what this country could be. There is no doubt in my mind that we will have a Democratic president next. Bush messed it up for the Republicans and I think that they have no chance of winning the election short of rigging it.
Hillary Clinton, a smart well rounded woman who probably can get the job done. I know I have said that if looked at quickly resembles a man, but what man wears lipstick? A man of change, a woman wears lipstick. Hillary, who the media is calling Billary due to her husband, represent something that was once good in the 1990’s, something that people want it to be again.
Barrack Obama, a half black, half white man who at quick glance doesn’t resemble anything that we have seen before. He is much younger than most presidents and also not from a rich family. Voting for Barrack would mean change in a different way, change for something that isn’t like the 90’s at all, it might be a change for something better than that.
While the Republicans also have the non norm presidential candidates, like a Mormon, deep inside, just like on the outside, they are all the same. There is no difference between McCain and Romney, there is no difference between Bush and Romney or Bush and McCain. They wouldn’t do anything that Bush hasn’t already done. I don’t believe that I am the only one who sees this though, I believe America sees this.
Democrats had more of a turnout for the primaries than in previous years, why? Because of choice. It isn’t anymore a series of which white guy will win, it is a choice of is it going to be a woman or is it going to be a black man? Which one will win for President? I am Sorry John Edwards supporters, but let’s face it, this time it isn’t a white man’s race, this time people will have a choice, and I believe that people will choose someone who is different in most aspects as a person, outside and inside than deal with the bullshit of the white man as President.
For the first time since John F Kennedy (He was the closest to a minority president we have had so far with him being Catholic), America will be voting for a minority. That is definitely something to be proud of.