I miss going to college. I miss sitting in a classroom learning. I miss being able to hang out with people in the labs and play games while we are supposed to be working on class stuff. I just miss the whole academia setting in general I guess. My plan was always to get back to college when I could afford it, but as more and more time goes by I don’t see that happening. I mean I guess I could apply after I am 24 and no longer need my mother’s information, but I just am not sure what I want to do anymore. My dreams of having a degree in everything computer based is slipping away and I think if I could even just sit in a classroom it might come back to me.
Of course I don’t necessarily need a degree, I could always get a Cisco certification or something. I know that with a Cisco certification I would pretty much be set for life. The training that I would receive would be unparalleled and companies are looking for people fresh out of the program with no experience necessary while starting them at $75,000 a year. That isn’t even a high paying job, that is actually pretty low for a Cisco certified individual. Some of the more experience required jobs will pay upwards to $250,000. Of course with that you need to be good at what you do, and also have the experience to back it up. I may go that route, I think I could be good at it, the question is whether or not it will keep me entertained and interested while I do it.