I have, like I am sure most guys do, if penis enlargement is possible. Now I always see the commercials after midnight that claim a pill can make you bigger, but I don’t know if it’s actually true or not. If penis enlargement pills actually work then they would be more popular right? Not necessarily. See guys don’t go to other guys and talk about that sort of thing. Women will go to other women and say stuff like “do you think my breasts are too small?” Guy’s won’t though, what are they supposed to say, do you think my penis could be bigger? Guys don’t talk about that sort of thing, so getting information by word of mouth is out of the question.
There are tons of penis enlargement, though so if they can’t do what they cklaim to do, then I suppose they couldn’t sell them right? I mean if they didn’t do what they are advertised to do then they would be taken off the market due to all of the claims of false advertising. My advice is that if you are curious about these sorts of things, check out the internet and see what people say, or just get a bottle and try for yourself.