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4 Responses to “Where Life Takes You”

  1. Rilla says:

    I really agree with your last line. I’ve also read something else similar… If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Wait, is that the same thing?

    Well, one can’t predict the future. In my first year on the web I didn’t think I would ever be able to live without a page builder like Frontpage. 😛

  2. morgan says:

    Hmmm yeah that makes heaps of sense. =) Even though mine is a bit different; how do you know if you cant handle something, if you’ve never tried it? XD Is that the same? o_O

    Nobody can predict what’s going to happen. It’s part of being a human- you take risks or you live in boredom ._.

  3. Chiem says:

    I agree with your last sentence. I think all we should do is try because we were born to try.

  4. LOL, I know what you mean. But it’s A LOT easier being in your own comfort zone… *sigh*…

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