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13 Responses to “We’re going to Disney World”

  1. Lacy says:

    Well the doll scene has evolved a lot. I wouldn’t really say it died out. At all :S

  2. sheila says:

    How weird, we were just reading an article today about the new Harry Potter thing at universal. We’d love to see it. Have a great time! Don’t go to that it’s a small world ride…it sucks. LOL!

  3. Sakura says:

    Whoa. He is so talented.

  4. Beara says:


    I’m jealous! I’ve only ever been to Disney Land and I’ve heard that DW is so much better/cooler. Hope you take pictures!

  5. alex says:

    thank you! i try to make layouts that i think are unique 🙂 i’m glad you like it.

    have fun at disney! i love love that place

  6. Courtney says:

    yeah we only have like 2 weeks left, not even full weeks, and he just came to our class from a neighboring town. even he doesn’t understand why he changed schools so late in the year haha

  7. kitty says:

    wow a trip to disney world ! sounds like a lot of fun.
    How can you not pay the credit card? here they just take themoney every month.

  8. Christine says:

    Wow that sounds like so much fun!! I hope you guys have a wonderful time and have fun planning. For me planning a vacation is so much fun because it gives you something to look forward to.

  9. Carissa says:

    I have to ask, why Disney World? I’ve never really understood why ‘relaxing vacations’ tend to include busy theme parks, crowded cruises, and similar things. o_O

    I hope you have fun and that you don’t have to work quite that hard to pay it off. I can’t enjoy amusement parks, myself, because I get really sick from the motion. At the county fair last summer, I only went on about three rides before I nearly threw up; my head was spinning and lightheaded and my stomach was all queasy. It made me sad; I love rides. 🙁

  10. Mallory says:

    OMG! I’m so freakin’ jealous, I’ve never been to Disney World before, and I’ve wanted to since I was a little kid. Oh, man, jealous ahoy! Jealousy off the starboard bow. Jealous landlubber to the max. T_T;

    But hey! If you see Peter Pan, tell him Mallory from Canada thinks he’s the best thing since … Well, everything. Ever. =D

  11. Deanna says:

    Have fun in Disney World! I’m sure you’re going to have a great time. September sounds like a good time to go. Good luck saving up some money. All that hard work will be worth it in the end.

  12. Cecilie says:

    That sounds like fun:) I hope you’ll have a great time there:)

  13. have fun at disney! how wish i could go there.

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