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10 Responses to “Unfollow You”

  1. Cecilie says:

    I was a member on Twitter for a week or so, but I lost interest very quickly. I ended up posting several notes there instead of blogging.

  2. Angelica says:

    When I first started using Twitter I followed everyone back as well but I quickly stopped doing that. Now I even block all bots and accounts with mostly links to ads. I don’t have many followers but all of them are real people with real non-profit tweets and I don’t follow many but everyone I follow I actually find interesting.

  3. Carissa says:

    I’ve never been a fan of Twitter. I was so upset when I found out for my programming class a few months ago that I needed to create an account for the class. :/ I deactivated it as soon as the quarter was over, but I hate how it’s still up there.

    This makes me think of those people on Facebook that have hundreds of friends. I don’t understand why… it’s not like you even talk to them. I heard from someone (not sure if it’s true) that it’s really hard for the average person to keep up with more than 20 or 30 people. I have 50 on my Facebook because even though I don’t talk to some, I like the idea that I could if I thought of something to say, or because it would be rude to delete them, but I don’t understand when people have over 100 or even over 300.

    This is the link to my new domain, by the way. 🙂

  4. Christine says:

    Wow, you follow lots of people. I think I follow 100 if that. I tend to only follow people that I know or brands that I really enjoy/authors, etc. Happy twitter cleaning!

  5. kitty says:

    I never follow anyone back unless I know who they are/see that they are actually people. some weird bots follow me there like bottled water company O_o

  6. sheila says:

    Same here. Although I do usually check a bit before I follow them. Usually their last tweet or most recent says it all.

  7. Deanna says:

    Wow, you follow a lot of people on Twitter. I only follow like 10 people. They are mostly people who post about local events going on in my city. And once I don’t need to follow them anymore I stop.

  8. Sakura says:

    I am paid for shorter lunch time so it’s okay. I am quitting my job to enjoy my holidays.

  9. Carissa says:

    Oh, maybe I should have mentioned that we didn’t play with actual money. XD I would never gamble anything ‘real,’ like money or items and whatnot.

    In a game of five card stud, I got dealt three kings and and two aces starting out. It was great and I won with it. ^_^

    $300 is so much money! I can’t imagine ever gambling that much on anything.

  10. Shelly says:

    I still don’t even really get the point of Twitter unless you’re someone famous (IRL or just someone who is known online). Then again, most people I know don’t own Twitters so it gets a little boring haha. I only like it because its kinda like unlimited facebook statuses =P

    And in reply to the comment you left about not having to pay for drinks at the casino — I was talking about drinks at the bars/clubs. =[ Those dug a deep deep hole in my bank account.

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