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3 Responses to “Too Hungry to Write”

  1. Jamie says:

    Hey Sean! So you and Krissy are okay now? I agree just because you had pizza for lunch doesn’t mean you can have a calzone for dinner as much as you’d want too. But anyway, take care and I love the new look, and feel to your blog. :).

  2. Sam says:

    I know, police in my country can be so useless!! I am definately recovering from the robbery though. My boyfriends mum is helping me through it (she is a psychologist! extremely useful!)

    I think that there is no problem with pizza for lunch and calzone for dinner!! go for it! =D

  3. Deanna says:

    Oh man, I can’t think about food without getting hungry. That makes me sound like a fat person, but I’m not. But I think that if I’m not careful I could become one. My stomach has gotten a little bigger since Christmas that’s for sure lol.

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