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12 Responses to “This is Why We Need Healthcare”

  1. Cecilie says:

    I get why that pisses you off. I’m so glad to live in Norway where the healthcare is pretty good. Three grand is insane!

  2. Shannon says:

    Posts like this make me upset. I think older folks should always be entitled to getting taken care of no matter what. I agree that we need affordable healthcare because everything is so damned costly these days. It’s a shame. I hope that your mother is able to get taken care of.

  3. Georgina says:

    I don’t use an external (don’t have one) but I keep most things on my laptop or USB sticks now, since I carry them around a lot. 🙂

    I’m not terribly familiar with the medicare options in my own country (wow, fail) but I know that there are a few options if you can’t make such payments.

    It’s about the health of someone. When you’re talking about surgery for an emergency, I think money should not matter. Three thousand is a lot, and so is one thousand, in essence.

    I hope your mother is alright. 🙂

  4. Jorja says:

    I don’t go to hospitals much at all and haven’t been there very often but that is completely ridiculous. Why people demand money when someone’s life or sight is at risk is completely stupid. Why not do the surgery first and then get the money? Or just not ask for that much at all.

    Sure, hospitals need to stay open and funded (obviously) but $3000 is ridiculous. I’m glad it was cut. Hope your mum is okay. 🙂

  5. Amy says:

    No, in England we go to college when we’re 16 going on 17, then to university when we’re 18 going on 19. I think it’s the same as being a junior or senior in American high school.

    I hope your mother’s alright. 3 grand is ridiculous. I’m glad they put it down a bit for you. Hope she gets better!!

  6. Merii-Beth says:

    lmfao rich people suck. C:
    they’re soo spoiled.

    and blah i dont actually know if i have healthcare.
    ROFL. 😀

    and hmm, i dont know really.
    i guess it’s required to prevent cancer.
    chicken dance !NO WAY. LOL i joke. 🙂

    how are you doing?

  7. Carissa says:

    I actually get there at about 11:40, but again, if I left later instead and happened to miss the bus, I’d be screwed, with no way to get to school.

    I’m taking Beginning Programming using Alice, English 102, Astronomy 101 and Humanities 101. I’m about halfway done with my AA and mostly have to get the necessaries done… I don’t quite have extra time for electives. XP

    I’m worried about getting insurance. I have CUP (state insurance, I believe)… I got it when I was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago, because we were wayyyy too poor to afford all of my medications. I had to reapply after I turned 18 (although it’s only annual, so I had to reapply soon anyway) and got accepted again, but once I start making money… ugh. :/

  8. Carissa says:

    lol, little programs like that are so pointless, but so fun. 😀 After reading through the textbook (because I’m a total nerd like that… class doesn’t even start until tomorrow), I made an animation of a bunny hopping to a fern, looking at it in an undecided manner, and then hopping to a tulip on the other side. I couldn’t decide how to finish it at that point, because I didn’t know how to shorten the commands or whatever and it was taking too long… so I quit.

    I’ve really wanted to learn programming ever since I took an HTML Fundamentals class two years ago, but starting out with C or C++ (whichever the college offered) seemed too hard, and I don’t know if I have all the prerequisites anyway. There’s a big, long list of them, but I don’t know if you need one or all. I have the math, but still… I thought I should take it slow. 😛

    Besides, I really want to learn about animation. Perhaps Alice will also give me some insight into that. 😀

    …I hope I didn’t totally bore you with that long big about myself there. 😛

  9. Carissa says:

    Reading about you — I love Savage Garden, and there’s a chance I want to be a programmer. I love web design, but I don’t want to design for OTHER people, and it’s the HTML part I like the best. Programming looks really interesting, and like it takes a lot of good, hard thinking (which I love), and that’s why I signed up for Alice. 🙂

  10. Carissa says:

    Thanks for the advice; I will look into Maya if I can find a class for it. I’ll also check out your tutorial, but it’s probably hopeless in my case… I’m terrible at self-teaching. For example, I bought a book to learn Visual Basic because I thought it would help me with the fundamentals. Rather than taking it slowly and trying out examples, I read straight through the book. I didn’t learn much of anything….

    My biggest issue with learning from books and on-line rather than with a teacher’s assistance is that I don’t feel as though I can get my questions answered. Sure, I suppose I could Google search, but then I have to phrase it right. I could possibly post on some forum, but then it might take a long time to get an answer. I’m impatient, and besides, what am I supposed to do while waiting for the answer? It’s impossible for me to move on if I have a question, so I might just lose interest.

    Perhaps I’m just stubborn. XP

  11. Carissa says:

    I think my biggest problem is… not knowing how to modify examples to suit my needs. I just don’t know what applications things have unless they’re explicitly stated for me.

  12. beljenje says:

    The situation in the States is really crazy. I’m sure it keeps a lot of people from moving there. I’d never live in the States for the same reason.

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