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23 Responses to “Things Everyone Should Do”

  1. Jamie says:

    I’m starting over. And that list sounds really good.

  2. Angie says:

    I was lucky enough to swim in the ocean and see the sun rise over it, complete with dolphins jumping out of the water. I even got to see a storm out in the distance.

    Everything else on your list are things I would like to do someday, especially visit NYC and live in another state for a while.

  3. Sakura says:

    Yeah, Windows 7 is good except for the compatibility issues.

    • Well, Microsoft did what Apple does, they stop supporting legacy hardware like floppy drives and other old hardware, the reason for this being that it keeps the OS as fast as possible.

  4. sheila says:

    Great list! I’ve watched a sunrise/set over the ocean. Both the atlantic and pacific. Totally stunning.

    I also agree with the ‘churches’ one. But I’d love to extend that to all faiths. The closest I’ve come is to a wake for a black friend of mine. It was so different from all the services and masses I’ve ever been too. I came out of there feeling refreshed and uplifted. It was just so, I don’t know…like powerful or something. Energetic.?

    • Yea, I agree that the religion one should be for any faith, like a Catholic or Christian go to a Synagogue, unfortunately some won’t go because they feel like it is cheating, so that is why I suggested a different branch of the same religion as an example, so it wouldn’t seem so extreme to devout Catholics or Christians. I think everyone should visit a mosque, church, synagogue, and really just take it all in.

  5. Shauna says:

    I’ve done over half of your list. I would love to see the tree lighting… and the ocean is a stones throw away from my house (literally)… so I experience a lot with swimming / sunsets.

  6. Cecilie says:

    Lula is a fashion magazine, but quite unlike any other fashion magazines. I don’t really know how to explain it.

    Love your list. I agree with you considering facing your fear. I would also love to be in New York in the wintertime.

  7. Angelica says:

    I’ve done a couple of those. Gone on a road trip, attended (and organized) several political rallies, tasted a strange exotic fruit (dragonfruit), watched the sunset, changed something (not for 30 days though but for all time), had food in it’s native country (paella in Spain) and done something that scares the crap out of me (several things).

  8. Christine says:

    I agree! This is such a fun list. I have done boogie boarding before and it’s such a rush. You might get owned by a wave, but it’s so much fun.

    I’ve been to NYC a lot of times, but always manage to miss the tree lighting. This is something I need to do for sure!

  9. Vanessa says:

    I think if I could I would do some of those things that you’ve listed. Except for the wrapping a snake around you. I would have to say no way jose! lol.

    I’ve atually been on a few roller coasters. They are super fun! Especially the ones that go upside down. 😀

  10. Mallory says:

    In response to your last comment on my site;

    ‘You don’t give the finger that much I take it?’

    Actually, I flip people off much too often … Those were just four of my most notable flippin’ off moments, bwahaha.

    I’m a bit jealous of your list — The things you’ve done, I mean! I need to write out one of those myself, actually … I’ve only got a mental copy at the mo’! xD

    • I always see posts on other blogs and I want to do them, but then I never get around to it, or just too lazy to do it. I think you should do one of your own though.

  11. Kendra says:

    It’s a family move hahah. It seems to be going well…so far haha. It’s me, my mom, and my brother. :/ Haha.

    I’d like to do all of those things at some point haha. They all sound fun. Good list. 🙂

  12. kitty says:

    It might sound not very important, but I think skinny dipping is one of the nicest thing a person could do 🙂

  13. Amy says:

    It was going to be about a modern twist on Jack and the Beanstalk but I never got it finished. I’ll have to try and finish it sometime.

    Wow, great list. I’m intrigued, what did you do that scares the crap out of you??

    • I’m a little nervous of heights (more nervous of falling lol) and I’ve gone on roller coasters and freefall. I am also scared of snaked and I’ve touched one. I still don’t like them though.

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