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One Response to “The DNC 2008”

  1. Susie says:

    dude – i so agree. i have been on the fence for awhile now because i had been told some things about Obama that now do not seem true.

    For instance, he is muslim, so he does not worship God. Well, tonight, i heard him say, “God Bless You, and God Bless the united States of America.”

    Also, i had been told that if he gets into office that he will be sure that our guns are taken way. Well, again tonight, he was telling us all that he thought we could protect our 2nd Amendment Rights while keeping the AK-47’s out of the hands of terrorists. This is very important to me because i have owned a gun since i was a very young girl. I love to hunt and i believe in protecting what is mine.

    When Clinton was in office, was the very first time that I truly paid total attention as to what was going on in Washington. I thought that he did a marvelous job as President and was impressed with the fact that our country’s deficit wss in the black for the first time in my life!

    I got excited about Obama’s plans for renewable fuels, wind, solar, and nuclear power, and so much more.

    I now have renewed excitement that McCain just hasn’t given me. I guess all hinges upon the GOP Convention next week!

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