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3 Responses to “Reconnected”

  1. sheila says:

    Boy, this brings back memories of a couple years ago when many states/towns around us went black with that 3 day power outage. UGHHH. It’s amazing when it happens because it shows us all the things we’re dependent on like the fridge, stove, toilet….lol.

    Glad you’re back up and running!

  2. Mallory says:

    OMG, you think a single day without power is horrible …? Try an entire week in the middle of the hot summer!

    My city got its first ever real tornado last summer, and it crushed vehicles, ripped off roofs, and uprooted loads of beautiful trees … Include one very large one directly next to our house, which thus pulled the power lines from our house … And since it happened on a Friday night, and since the Hydro company was busy due to loads of people having no power, as well, we didn’t get it back up for a whole fucking week!

    Even worse was that after about three days EVERYONE ELSE in the city had power but us … So maddeningly frustrating. =(

  3. Angelica says:

    I’ve never gone without power for more than a couple of hours and I was going crazy just after such a short time. You need electricity for everything. Even cooking!

    My former boss went out electricity for a week after a hurricane but she had a small generator so she could still run a couple of things like the fridge, a few lamps and such.

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