We might get an HDTV, when we can buy it and not dip into the loan money. We already have one in the bedroom, we would just get one for the office. It would be nice to hook up the 360 and Wii to it and play in high definition. With all the electronics in the house though, it would probably be smart to get the estimated price of it all, in case something happens. I don’t know how they get the property value, it might be just what you pay for it, or what it is going for at the time it is appraised, or maybe even what it is worth when you need it replaced. In any case it would definitely be a good idea.
November 12, 2007
Ohh an HDTV. We just replaced our (17-year-old or more I don’t remember) tv. Yes, it was the kind that is like a piece of furniture. I feel so behind. xD