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8 Responses to “Productivity”

  1. Sakura says:

    Well, it actually depends on the situation…

  2. sheila says:

    We’ve been trying to get a lot of stuff done here too. Not fun, but it’s very satisfying in the end.

    I haven’t seen Avatar yet. Waiting for it to come to tv, lol

  3. Liliana says:

    Ahh I see. I still haven’t seen the ending, we had to leave the theatre early and no one will tell me what happened! D:

  4. Christine says:

    I just bought Avatar for myself as well. I loved it! Congrats on getting so much fun. I always love that productive feeling! And enjoy your movie time. You deserve it after everything you have been working on. =]

  5. Trina says:

    You sound like you are going to br productive this week., I am aiming for the same thing. I saw avatar but I really didn’t catch onto it. Maybe it’s just me

  6. Grysh says:

    Productive indeed!

    Avatar is a good movie. You should watch Iron man 2 next! 😀

  7. kitty says:

    I been trying to put stuff on my site, but I guess I am not too good about managing time; maybe you should share your time managing secret.

    So you are trying to put together a car from different parts or something?

  8. kitty says:

    Oh I thoght that becase I rad here then somehere else before commenting LOL

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