As most video game enthusiasts know, the next generation of video games comes full circle this week when the Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii debut this week. I’ve been reading stories that people have been lined up for weeks trying to get the PS3 and by this time, there should be some happy customers and probably more unhappy people going home without a PS3.
I’m broke and so I can’t afford either of these new consoles (nevermind the fact that only the Wii has something I’d be interested in playing), but I have been able to play some new games since I have been at my aunt’s.
Gears of War is one of those games that I wouldn’t have played if it were up to me, but it really took me by storm. It seems to be short though. It might be due to the great detail and graphics that made them fit the game on a normal 8 gigabyte XBox 360 disk. If this is the case, then I suspect that the Playstation 3 will get more in depth stories and more drawn out games. I suppose that only time will tell for now.