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5 Responses to “Phelps Freaks”

  1. Georgina says:

    Certainly nothing wrong with letting out your opinion, so long as you respect others. That’s what I always try to keep in mind.

    I would probably have to agree with you that this guy is gay and covering up his feelings. I was brought up as a Catholic but I don’t really think my family is religious anymore, and I definitely personally don’t feel that way. I don’t believe in what I should believe in according to my religion. I was beaten too, but my parents never looked at that in light of our religion (Catholicism). As for Fred, he sounds like he actually needs some help.

    Sara sounds like she’s gone a bit mental – I don’t know how else to describe it. These guys are just putting on a show, I think.

  2. Pauline says:

    I dont really know what to say.

    I respect your opionion. 🙂

  3. Christine says:

    Those people are absolutely insane. As a Catholic, it makes me sick that there are so-called ‘religious’ people who believe such terrible things and have such opinions. Where I come from, God loves everyone and one of the main rules is LOVE THY BROTHER!! I guess they might have skipped over that part of the Bible…

    Why did they try to protest the little girl’s funeral in Arizona?? What could she have possibly done to make them think she’s a sinner? I absolutely cannot stand extremist religious groups. They make others who have faith look like ignorant assholes.

  4. Kelsey says:

    Yeah, I have a really crappy phone that does the most ridiculous things you would imagine. It doesn’t do it automatically, but after five or so seconds after someone hangs up, you hear a very loud beep.

    I’ve heard of this group before, but never really cared much about them. There are a lot of groups I don’t agree with but they’re like bees; if you leave them alone, they may eventually go away. Stir a lot of shit and they feed on it expanding their “religion”.

    But wow, you actually got to talk to one of them? Bit odd.

  5. Shriya says:

    Everybody is entitled to their opinion. I have such strong feelings about a lot of things and a lot of people. Nothing like a good rant to let them out.
    These people sound crazy and ridiculous. Only recently, one of my girlfriends posted something cute on my wall (on facebook) and we were exchanging e-hugs when another friend (a guy) wrote, “You’re acting like lesbians.Ew.”
    Which was the most ridiculous thing I have ever hand. In this day and age, this prejudice against homosexuality is unbelievable.

    Yes, the driver didn’t ask for cab fare from the blind man. I am sorry, because in India, we call those cabs, “Autos”. Short for auto-mobile.

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