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5 Responses to “Osama is Dead”

  1. Jenny says:

    so they did start building it? i haven’t kept updated on all that so i didn’t think they had even bothered yet. that’s awesome though 😛 and great photo!

  2. Jenni says:

    I went to NYC in 2004 and stayed around the corner from Ground Zero. I’d like to see the Freedom Tower, it looks interesting from your pic. Big day for America, big day for the world.

  3. Angelica says:

    I’d like to go to ground zero one day. For the same reasons I’d like to go to Auswitch. To make it real, to not only be something I’ve heard stories about. It’s hard to grasp the pain of such things if you’ve never set foot on the place where it happened. And I’d also like to pay my respect to those who lost their lives there.

  4. Shriya says:

    Osama might have been killed but we are a long way off fighting terror. As the country which witnessed the 26/11, I still remember watching every update in the news as the terrorists attacked one of our main landmarks in Bombay. I cried along with the rest of my family, even though we had no one to lose. It hurts, and I am so happy about the freedom tower, even though the sympathy seems a little misplaced. Instead of wasting so much money in building it, they could have donated to a better cause.

  5. I see a lot of opinion on the article and did not surprised me too much like it.

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