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4 Responses to “Obscenity Case”

  1. Jason Palpatine says:

    Recently, a man who was found to posses 20 Japanese cartoons, called anime, illustrating young girls was sentenced to 20 years in Federal Prison. The cartoons were designated child pornography under the law! Not photographs — cartoons! Drawings — illustrations — FICTION! The law now criminalizes fiction as well as real pornography. The law now makes it a crime to use your imagination. If cartoons and fiction becomes a crime in one niche — what will come next?

    This is so sick. The only thing that is OBSCENE is the concept of OBSCENITY itself!

    • Hmm, if that is the case then Google should be shut down for showing pictures of Bart Simpson having sex with his mother and other females and fake pictures of celebrity kids.

  2. First off – great article, glad to see the implementations of these here.

    Second, Obscenity (or at least what I thought it was) is honestly a matter of opinion. In which now has been exercised by the Government for a more controlling factor…

    If Tom, Dick, and Harry wanted to watch two people eating feces then thats there choice, it might be disgusting but if I find it as such then… I just simply don’t partake in the viewing and/or event. I don’t need the Government telling me that I find it disgusting, its just a matter of opinionated choice.

  3. Shelly says:

    Love this article, although I won’t argue semantics about what is obscene or not obscene since that’s a little too much debating for my liking. I think I personally define obscene as something that something that is explicit – I’d count gory films as obscene too. But then again, I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that if I find something obscene — then simply done watch it. It’s a bit unreasonable for someone to take someone to court for something like that. It could easily be solved by just NOT watching it. =/ Then again, there are people out there who lack the independence to take care of themselves and rely on other people to solve and “get rid” of things for them. I’m getting a little off-topic though. =/

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