Comments & Replies

10 Responses to “Member’s Features Live”

  1. Eunice says:

    I’d probably join if I wasn’t so goddam awful with forums. I’m either super active and checking day and night, and then super inactive. Usually I start off with the former for about one week and then I give up. I really suck at being committed to anything. Good luck with it though. I’m sure other people will be entranced by the idea of a forum 😉 They are quite popular anyway.

  2. Amy says:

    Cool idea!! I’ll sign up soon (after I’ve finished what I’m doing haha). I used to join lots of forums, but gave up on them ’cause I hardly ever used them. Haha.


  3. Georgina says:

    Thank you!

    Like Eunice commented – I’m one of the people who are super active for two weeks on a forum, up to the point I’ve looked at every topic and posted in them all, even had comment chains with people in the forum… then I get really busy and completely forget about it. I’d join but I wouldn’t want to let you down!

  4. Angelica says:

    I’m not active at forums but good luck to you anyway.

  5. Jorja says:

    I agree with Georgina. I join forums and then they just don’t interest me anymore. :/

    IKR? It was kind of pathetic, and copying is stupid. *nods*

  6. Merii-Beth says:

    lol oh.
    well it’s not really the school’s say.
    every school in like ontario is getting it.
    well a lot of other schools in the world are,
    but i know for sure the people in ontario are. 😛

  7. Krystal says:

    Lmfao!! Thaanks for the comment. Yeah, but I think Connor meant something else, i don’t really get it though 😛

    Good luck with your forum! I’m not really a fan of forums, sorry!

  8. kissliin says:

    Thanks for the comment 🙂
    Yeah, I hope school’s going to be ok soon. But I don’t know if I’m ever going to stop getting nervous :S HAHA. Especially when I’m doing presentations.
    Oo. A forum. Sounds cool. But I’m not really good with forums and such. But I guess I’ll give it a try.

  9. Nina says:

    Congratulations on getting the forum up and running 🙂
    Great work you guys.

  10. Christine says:

    Congrats on getting the forum up and running. I remember setting up forums back in the day and it is not easy!

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