Leadpile is The Lead Marketplace/Exchange on the internet. They have information on just about anything your looking for maybe even things you aren’t. Just in the automotive section alone they have Appraisers, Auctions And Brokers, Exotic Car Rental, and a lot more. Anything you want, you just click on a category then choose a subcategory, it is very convenient and they have subcategories for things that I wouldn’t even think of, like House Sitting. So far the website has 1.5 Million Leads, and it continues to grow everyday. Forget those other sites like Craigslis, or even Ebay, This site has the potential to get bigger than the two of those, because of the way they do their business. It isn’t about auctions, it is about helping people find the right people that they are looking for. So if you are looking for something then go to Leadpile and see if they have a category for you.
October 03, 2007