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8 Responses to “My Laptop is a Beast”

  1. Liz says:

    Your lappy sounds nice. 😛

    Have fun on your vacation. 🙂

    For the bigger hosting, I’m only going to offer it as 1) an upgrade for those already being hosted, 2) an invite-only thing (meaning the need the password from an invite from someone already hosted OR from the newsletter, and/or 3) as a seasonal thing. None of those things will be open until June 1, though. ^^

    You have to make them think your hosting is better. Quantity is not always better than quality, and it will take some time – a long time – to get it up and running.

    Oh, I’m not editing that one. I’ll screw it up. I did edit Georgina’s “Sky” theme, though. That’s what 6birds has right now.

    Actually, I’m rarely told what to do. She’s just … changed… Because of Tommy. >.<

  2. Kelsey says:

    It is really sad to think about but the truth is that you could die at any given second! I would hope that I didn’t die anytime soon because I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving my site behind. Some people can go months without updating their site; I can’t do that. I would go crazy.

    Wow, you’ve been really busy! It sounds like you deserve a break; I hope you have fun whatever it is you’re doing during your time off.

    While I do live my iTouch, I want to upgrade to one with more room (I only have 8GB) but I would hate to convert all the music over. Plus I’m a person that can’t live knowing there’s a missing album cover (everything has to be perfect more or less). Your laptop sounds pretty bad ass though. Mine only has 4GB of RAM but I hope to upgrade soon. I have insufficient funds though. Rawr.

  3. Tamara says:

    Congrats on the fun new “toys” of yours. I love the new feeling of electronics. I’m not techy when it comes to them (some people can take them apart an put it back together..not I!) but I can appreciate the many usages of it. Enjoy your mini vacation! And good luck finishing up all that work >_< And that is why you are the pro!

  4. Wow. I hope you finish everything that you are working on soon!

    Dang. My laptop is only 222GB… 🙁 I’m probably going to buy a Linux laptop in the future though. (:
    Yeah well. she is my aunt, right?

  5. Georgina says:

    I hope you have a good weekend off! Sounds like you’ve been working a lot and could do with a little break.

    I don’t play many games but I have 4GB of RAM which is good for my needs. I like to think my laptop is pretty good too – it probably isn’t compared to others, but it has enough for me which I think is all that matters.

  6. Vicky says:

    I hope you enjoy your days off! It’s nice to be able to have a few days to yourself or with people you care about.

    Wow 6GB of RAM is a lot. o___O I have 3GB RAM but that’s enough for me. I don’t really play games on mine. My laptop is okay, I thought it was really good when I first got it but it overheats SO much. 🙁

  7. Kendra says:

    Eek! With all that work I’m sure you’re going to really enjoy your time off of work vacationing, relaxing, etc. I hope you enjoy yourself!

    Your laptop really does sound like a beast. I hope you get to actually enjoy it soon and take in its wonderfulness. 🙂

    I actually didn’t know that about Rebecca Black’s mom. This actually just gives me more reason to have no respect for her music. Exactly, though, about Bieber. At least he has musical talent, which is more than most pop artists his age or near can say.

  8. Deanna says:

    I love getting new electronic toys. A new laptop would be so much fun.

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