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24 Responses to “Interesting Day on Forrest Avenue”

  1. Cecilie says:

    Oh wow. The weather’s been pretty bad here as well, but not nearly as bad as it’s been where you live. That’s for sure!

  2. Cecilie says:

    Emma Watson plays Hermione in Harry Potter.

  3. Jamie says:

    OMG wow! I’m glad that wasn’t you guys in that car explosion!!! Luckily nothing happened to you. Though I feel sorry for the people who lost their vehicles. Thanks for the compliment on the layout :).

  4. Angelica says:

    Oh my, that sure sounds like a lot of weirdness on one day! I witnessed a lightning strike when I was a kid but nothing caught fire. There was just this really, really loud bang and all the elctricity went.

  5. Amy says:

    Ooh, that programme sounds pretty interesting. There was a documentary about a supermarket here that you reminded me of. It was pretty much like that programme though, with the presenter going undercover to point out what the supermarket were doing with their food. I couldn’t watch most of it though ’cause I was scared of what they might show.

    Wow, that sounds like a pretty bad explosion. I’m glad you weren’t involved in it though. That car looks so crushed. Scary.

  6. Tiffany says:

    Damn, that’s crazy. Both incidents are unfortunate, butthe first one… sounds like a karma related situation. Haha, -shrugs.

    About your comments on my site: I haven’t drank/tasted Jolt since waaaaay back. Haha. And no, I haven’t seen the new C&C. Or maybe I have? I remember watching a new C&C on youtube not too long ago, dunno if it was that one. Looks soooo awesome and high-tech compared to what we played back then. Hahahah. Still fun though.

  7. Georgina says:

    I used to host Krystal. She didn’t seem that bad and all she did was have a blog with some photos. People continued to annoy her and she left and I think she’s disappeared now.

    The website isn’t closed now; it’s just some downtime. This person does by the name of Julia and her picture looks nothing like Krystal.

    That’s amazing how everyone survived in that crash. The fire looked pretty awful too. I hope the weather clears up!

    • I am getting this message on the site:
      This website has been deleted due to violation of terms.

      I never met Krystal, just know what people tell me and her ED entry.

  8. Sakura says:

    Oh I see… I am going to learn C++. I don’t think I will be working with C#.

  9. Ely says:

    OMG I’ve never seen a car explosion, but I think it would be better to don’t see anyone too close 🙂 Aw and thank you for your comment 😛 You’re funny XD

  10. Swetlana says:

    You really should get it on DVD – it’s awesome 🙂

    That was definitely an interesting evening! Glad that the people in that car didn’t get hurt!

  11. Jorja says:

    Wow, that looks serious. D: I’m glad no one was hurt though.

    Haha. I know someone who uses .htacess so that when someone direct links their photos it says ‘LOSER! YOU DIRECT LINKED’. Lmfao.
    Content stealers are pathetic.

  12. Sofia says:

    Basically I’ve cut off all fatty foods and try to eat healthy, and I go the gym twice a week 🙂

  13. Loren says:

    Sean, Those pictures are crazy! I can’t believe you had a storm like that. We had nothing except a little drizzle here in Patchogue. Isn’t it crazy how the weather can be so different on the Island? 🙂

  14. Shannon says:

    Wow. That sounds really crazy.

  15. Anda says:

    A lightning strikes and then a car crashes? Wow, for sure this is an interesting day 😐 Rather an accidents’ one 0.o I can’t imagine how the people in that car survived, cause the car looks totally smashed. I guess they were extremely lucky

  16. Merii-Beth says:

    you had a thunderstorm/tornado too?
    so did i,
    cept it only knocked down a tree in my backyard. XD

    “5) will you say yes, undress or have you done more for less? Undress because naked is awesome?

    ahah shore. (:
    but it’s lyrics to the song Perfect by Marianas Trench. 😀

    OH , and thanks for the comment. (:
    i see you changed the colour scheme of your site,
    awwwwweeeeeesome. 😀

  17. Eunice says:

    Nothing that interesting has EVER happened to me. I did get stuck in traffic jams because of car crashes a couple of times, but I’ve never actually SEEN the crash… takes out all the fun.
    I imagine it must have been quite frightening though :S Or maybe you’re just totally desensitised? Hahah.

  18. Bea says:

    I met this guy at a concert. He wanted to be something more, but now I just look for friendship.

    The photos are cool. I find it interesting what happened, but it will not be much for those who suffered damage from the storm. I suppose that these events do not usually happen by there often.

  19. Nina says:

    OMG, it must have been very scary to see the whole thing happening!

    I hope no one got hurt though.

  20. Tiff says:

    I don’t mean to use profanity..but holy shit. You had quite a week. I mean in New York, I saw a car accident but seeing lightning strike a power cord & then hit a car (that parked up on the butt of your car hahaa) is ridiculous. Oh & then you see a car get smashed..dang. Well I can see how people survived that but I’m surprised the front row passenger did. He took a beating!!

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