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6 Responses to “I’m on Vacation”

  1. Isi says:

    Very true. The doctors have no choice but to try & save them.
    Ohh Vacation is fun. 😀 Have fun and bring back souvenirs. 😀

  2. Shelly says:

    Its funny, Marine World for me is an amusement park so I was assuming that it would be the same thing. But good thing I googled it, so that I know its an aquarium haha. Looks like a ton of fun though, be sure to take pictures! Hope you enjoy your much needed vacation!

    P.S. – Thank you for your kind words on my last post! It means a lot to know that people care.

  3. Vanessa says:

    Have fun on your vacay. Take lots of pics and have a drink for us! 🙂

  4. Misha says:

    Hope you have fun on vacation! Be sure to take loads of pictures 😀

  5. Deanna says:

    Have a great vacation! I just took a week off myself and it was pretty great.

  6. Angelica says:

    I hope you have a fun vacation! After no time off for 8 months you definitely deserve it!

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