So I am in Delaware now, all hooked up to the internet and ready to go. The last few days have been hectic, getting the closing all sorted out and stuff. There were a few issues that arose, no gutters on the house, low water pressure, an uncovered drain in the back of the property, and a few others. Everything worked out fine though and now we are in the house. I’ve been painting the last few days, not much got done though because we didn’t buy much paint and the walls are textured and sucked it up. And being yesterday was Thanksgiving Lowes was closed.
I know I need to add more to the site, and update the about me, but there is so much to do in my life outside the site, that I don’t know when I will get it done. Plus at this point I am more in a meet new people kind of mode because I don’t know anybody in Delaware. If you live in Delaware speak up and leave a comment.
It is so much different down here, everyone is nicer and don’t look at you like you’re going to rob them. It reminds me of Ohio, but more cultured I guess the word would be. Everything closes around here pretty early in the winter because it is so dead down here. I am going to be hitting some cyber cafes in the coming days because I think it might be a good place to meet people with similar interests. I went into one the other night, but the guy was just like it’s winter nobody is around, so I need to find what people do here in the winter. It also doesn’t help that I won’t be going to school until January.
All in all I miss Jersey to a degree, but there is something about living this close to the beach that seems so serene. I just have so much to do that I can’t enjoy it fully: painting the living room, kitchen, hallway, my room, my office, my bathroom, my mom’s room, and my mom’s bathroom, buying/building an L-shaped desk, unpacking, Christmas, decorating my office in a professional manner.