Think about the people in your life, think about your best friend and the person who your going out with. What have they taught you? What do you think they will teach you in the future?
Now think about five years ago. Think about your best friend from back then, think about the person you were going out with. What did they teach you? Where did they go?
I’m about to tell you something that many people don’t know and some never really realize, people are only in your life for as long as you need them. I’m serious. Why is it that you never have as strong of friendships when your grown up as you did when you were growing up? Because you don’t need it.
The truth is that just because you want something to stay the same, circumstances beyond our control will change the situation, and at times it will make people not be as close to some as they once were, because we don’t need them to be.
In this ever changing world, we sometimes lose people far too fast to grasp, one day someone will be there and the next day they are gone.
Maybe you don’t lose contact completely, maybe what was once entire weekends full of fun turns into a phone call every now and then. Maybe a get together every few years or so, because the party’s involved feel a certain loyalty to the other, but perhaps one doesn’t really feel much beyond that.
Think about your best friend and your current relationship. Think about how life has a way of passing us by when you’re out working, or working out. Now go tell those two people thank you for being there.