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19 Responses to “Goodbye 2009”

  1. Yeah now that you mention it, there have been so many deaths this year its overwhelming. Well hopefully 2010 is a lot lower in death rate for celebrities and the rest of the populations, and fingers crossed for better happenings. =] Have a good New Years Eve!

  2. Jamie says:

    It’s actually a uk trailer or something like that. According to the comments I’ve read. But yeah it’s cool.

  3. Amy says:

    what do you mean “cleaned up”? you dont/didnt even know me to begin with anyway. I was ALWAYS in school, graduated in exactly 4 years, knew what i wanted to do so how can you said i was even a mess?

    • I never said you were a mess, I meant cleaned up in terms of your Christmas gifts. It means you got a lot for Christmas, as in looks like you had a good Christmas.

  4. sheila says:

    I learned a lot from 2009. How to live on “much” less. All about worry and disappointment and new ways of surviving. *sigh*.

    But, with that said, we’ve got our health. We’ve still got our home and cars. One in college, two almost done with HS.

    Shit, who am I kidding? I’ll be glad to kick this year in the ass on it’s way out the door.

    Happy New Year! *raises virtual glass* Here’s to a better 2010 for both of us!

  5. Christine says:

    I agree that 2009 was a very rough year. Between people passing away, losing jobs, and getting hurt it just seems like 2010 should be better. I hope so, anyway! And I remember when I first started reading your blog and you really have added so many new things. Keep it up!!

    Also, did you ever end up having some cheese and crackers? It seems like cheese and crackers are a running theme in my blog.

  6. Cecilie says:

    Happy New Year Sean:) Hope this year will be great for you:)

  7. Meredith says:

    Can’t say I’m sad to see 2009 go. The fact that 2010 could turn out to be worse is beyond scary! Let’s all hope it goes in the opposite direction, shall we? 😉

  8. Shauna says:

    Wow I never realized so many celebrities passed away in 2009, sad 🙁

    Here’s to a happy & healthy 2010!

  9. Julie says:

    Happy new year. Hope 2010 is great for you.

  10. Beara says:

    I think we all need this year to be a better one.. I know I do.

    And, you are absolutely right — things have greatly changed. I never thought we would have a black president (nor a woman running for that spot) and BAM!

    I think the end of the year is always sad because you reflect back on the things you wished you could have done and the things you regret doing..

    I’m determined to make 2010 rock. S’right, bring it on!

  11. Vanessa says:

    2009 sucked for alot of people. I was really sad when I heard that Britney Murphy passed away. It was just so unexpected. MJ’s death was unexpected too.

    Hopefully 2010 will be better for alot of people.

  12. Angie says:

    Okay, I figured out how to get rid of that annoying browser page.

    There was just something about 2009 that was like a mean mother-in-law that never thought your were good enough so she made you try harder. That’s what it felt like for me anyways. It was pretty rough but it had some lessons to be learned.

    I have good feelings about 2010 though. It just seems like a good solid number.

  13. Eunice says:

    Yeah, the general consensus on 2009 does seem to be that it wasn’t very good. But luckily, there still seems to be a lot of hope floating around for 2010 🙂 Which is always helpful.

    I hope you have a great 2010.

  14. kitty says:

    People usually measure a year by the ammount of bad stuff that happened.. no one really writes about good stuff.. so maybe this year was not so bad (good-stuff-wise)
    However, I hope this one is going to be much better!

  15. Mallory says:

    I agree, 2009 wasn’t a year I’d want to be a celebrity. o_O; On the more serious side, for awhile there I was quite scared that one of my celebrity idols would suddenly pass away along with the rest — Just paranoia, but still.

    I was checking Green Day Authority every day to make sure that nothing happened to any of the band members, for example … And at one point they had to post pone a concert because Billie Joe, the frontman, had a mysterious case of salmoella poisoning, and I totally freaked out. I thought for sure something terrible was going to happen, as Green Day RARELY postpones any shows at all.

    Thankfully though, all was well the next night at their show, so again, it was just me being paranoid. e__e;

    Happy 2010!~

  16. margaret says:

    Hi, Nice to meet you here. Have a great year ahead.

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