Comments & Replies

4 Responses to “Goals for 2011”

  1. Sam says:

    Hi sean, thanks for posting on my blog! I think your resolutions look great! good luck with them =D

  2. Mallory says:

    No worries, both of your comments went through fine! In response to your first one, I never got a chance to test our your font generator … And since my To Do List’s so massive already, I doubt I’ll have the time to test it out for a few months at least. x.x;;;


    I hope your goaltastic To Do Lists are easier and quicker accomplished than mine! x_X;

  3. Krissy says:

    Couldn’t you just list that you have some financial goals? And why is it always about money? Be more like me, just spend it and hope someone else remembers to pay the bills 🙂

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